Exhibitions in Barcelona

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From contemporary galleries to historic museums, Barcelona is full of exhibitions to explore. No matter your art knowledge level or curiosity level, there is sure to be an exhibit in Barcelona that sparks your interest. Check out the Best info about exposiciones en Barcelona.

This foundation, located in El Raval barrio, showcases Picasso’s works. Here you will find paintings, sculptures, and sketches that chart his artistic development over his career.


MNAC (Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya) is an expansive museum featuring Catalan art from throughout history. This impressive collection was assembled by merging multiple historic museums into one institution, such as the Art Museum of Catalonia and Cabinet of Drawings and Engravings.

The museum boasts collections ranging from Romanesque paintings and wood carvings from churches in the Pyrenees to an outstanding Gothic painting and stone sculpture exhibition, Gothic painting and stone sculpture, Modernista art, as well as its world-famous Modernista art collection.

Make sure to add these special temporary exhibits to your itinerary when planning a visit to the MNAC.

2. Palau Nacional

Palau Nacional was constructed for Barcelona’s 1929 International Exhibition and is one of the city’s premier art museums, boasting breathtaking city views from its esplanade. Showcasing Catalan art dating from the 12th to 20th century – including Romanesque frescoes and Gothic artwork as well as great artists of Renaissance and Baroque periods as well as Modernisme and Noucentista art – Palau Nacional offers something spectacular for visitors in Barcelona.

In the Throne Room (Salo del Tron’), visitors can admire paintings and sculptures created from only noble materials – from charcoal sketches by Isidre Nonell to Ramon Casas’ call-to-arms posters from 1930 against Francoist oppression by Francesc Cambo’s call to arms posters against Francoism – among them many others. Additionally, this collection contains works donated by this wealthy Catalan politician/art patron Francesc Cambo himself.

3. Museu d’Art de Catalunya

Renaissance and baroque art rooms at this museum represent a treasure chest of priceless cultural heritage, unique in Catalonia because it was collected through donations and purchases instead of royal or aristocratic inheritances.

MNAC features exhibits from Modernisme, an artistic movement that sought to reclaim and reinvent Catalan identity, with paintings from artists like Ramon Casas and Santiago Rusinol, who used Parisian Impressionism elements in their paintings for Modernisme. There’s also a large collection of Catalan school drawings and prints by figures like Antoni Gaudi and Josep Llimona on display – this includes free guided tours as well as floor plans and apps to assist your exploration, as well as dining and shopping experiences as well as panoramic rooftop views!

4. Museu d’Histria de la Ciutadella

This museum showcases Catalonia’s history from Paleolithic times through to the twentieth century through exhibitions and collections covering social portraiture, urban development, and other fascinating pieces.

The gallery also showcases an outstanding collection of modern art, particularly Symbolism and other trends from the Modernisme movement. This includes paintings by Ramon Casas and Santiago Rusinol as well as sculptures and an extensive array of crucifixes.

The museum exhibits various aspects of local history in its rooms, such as guilds, civic celebrations, and wars as well as artisanal trades and crafts. Some displays allow visitors to try their hand at grinding wheat like Iberians did centuries ago or climb in medieval armor for climbing simulation. Furthermore, temporary exhibitions may cover topics like fashion design or product development.

5. Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona

Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, commonly referred to as MACBA, opened its doors for business in 1995 and set a precedent in modern art in Barcelona. Designed by North American architect Richard Meier, its striking white concrete and glass structure captured attention instantly.

The Raval District Museum provides space for the many artistic trends that emerged in the second half of the 20th century, such as Antoni Tapies’ and Joan Brossa’s works as well as international artists like Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder and Jean-Michel Basquiat’s.

MACBA not only hosts its permanent collections but also showcases an exciting variety of temporary exhibitions. Visit their website for the full schedule. Tickets can be bought online to avoid lines at each museum – get them here to save time and money! The Articket Pass grants access to six top art museums in Barcelona at a discounted rate and saves you up to 45% when purchased in advance! Get your pass today.

6. Museu d’Art Contemporani de Catalunya

Museum that seeks to become an essential space for its Raval neighborhood and art. Their goal is to promote contemporary art through exhibition, debate, and research while reaching a broad audience through various methods of communication.

The museum boasts extensive and diverse collections. In its section dedicated to Romanesque art, you can observe how different tendencies emerged during Catalan painting’s development between the 11th and 12th centuries. Here you’ll also find an exceptional mural collection by artists such as Ayne Bru or Joan Brull.

Modernista rooms boast works by artists like Ramon Casas and Santiago Rusinol, which reveal their influences from Symbolism, and the Noucentista movement, as well as art from Miquel Blay and Isidre Nonell as sculptors.

7. Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona

MACBA in Barcelona serves as a cultural hub, hosting exhibitions throughout the year in its Raval district location. Showcasing artwork by modern Catalan artists like Picasso, Dali, and Miro; seminars and film series also take place here.

As a public entity, the museum bears responsibility for disseminating contemporary art and providing multiple views, while sparking debate about culture. Furthermore, education plays an essential role and it strives to reach a wide range of audiences.

On your visit, don’t miss the Touch Artspace and daily tours included in the admission price. Also, take advantage of an augmented reality app to explore museum exhibits as well as exciting educational activities using technology in a way that promotes learning. Make your trip simpler by purchasing an Articket which allows you to visit six of Barcelona’s finest museums at a discounted rate.

8. Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona

In 1959, art critic Alexandre Cirici Pellicer proposed opening a museum dedicated to contemporary arts in Barcelona. However, it took until 1986 for a foundation to be set up and the new museum to officially open in November 1995.

Richard Meier designed this museum with light in mind; its clean white rooms allow light to naturally illuminate its expansive collection of modern art from across the world, such as paintings, sculptures, collages and assemblages, video installation pieces as well as video art.

MACBA exhibits often explore social issues and reflect contemporary culture, from Zush’s psychedelic visions to black identity discussions by Guerrilla Girls and more. Visit their website to view current shows; additionally, guided tours and educational activities are also provided free of charge to enhance the visitor experience!

9. Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona

Since opening its doors in 1995, this eye-catching white concrete and glass structure designed by American architect Richard Meier – fondly referred to as MACBA – has filled an important niche in Barcelona’s art scene. Since opening its doors, MACBA has become the city’s foremost modern and contemporary art museum.

MACBA exhibitions take visitors through some of the most significant modern and contemporary art movements since 1945, from Catalan artists like Antoni Tapies and Joan Brossa, as well as postwar luminaries like Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Look out for iconic works by Catalan artists such as Antoni Tapies and Joan Brossa; alongside postwar luminaries such as Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, and Jean-Michel Basquiat.

MACBA offers collections that span photography, installation, and video art as well as more traditional painting and sculpture. In addition, lectures seminars tours guided tours as well as video screenings complement exhibitions at the museum. Furthermore, MACBA publishes several exhibition catalogs as well as three digital publications.

10. Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona

This museum, commonly referred to as MACBA locally, boasts an impressive collection of modern art. Designed by North American architect Richard Meier and opening in 1995, MACBA has played an essential role in supporting modern art since then, helping build Barcelona’s image as an innovative city.

Its diverse exhibition program showcases this, covering most of the key contemporary art movements such as minimalism by Rosemarie Castaro, Hans Haacke, and Donald Judd as well as conceptual art from Catalonian artists of the 1970s such as Lydia Ourahmane’s 108 Days which shifts viewer roles from being passive spectators to co-producers or participants – such as minimalism by Rosemarie Castaro, Hans Haacke and Donald Judd.

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